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T’s Final reflective blog


What am I gonna do with my days now…?!

So project reflection time… Why did we chose this project?

I cannot speak for Chris’s inspirations (I’m sure there are many, or none at all… He’s hard to predict like that) but personally I wanted to do a quality studio production, up until now I have felt very unhappy with the works I have created thus far in my degree, and after hearing Chris’s work last trimester I was honoured to be apart of recording Finding Purpose.

And for Post Production… We were dared to do it. Who can resist that kind of motivation!?

So the main point of comparison to an already existing professional quality production would be Master and Commander, the original movie itself. Being a commercial release and the very reason we were dared to take on the project it was the guideline and standard we were aiming for.

I believe that we have done our best, whilst still maintaining our own creative integrity.

As for studio I didn’t actually follow any reference marital for this song, it didn’t feel like a production that should be compared to any other, I find that sometimes if I follow reference martial I get lost in trying to emulate it so much that I lose all creative input and sometimes eve the meaning of the song I am working on. So I just followed what felt right, and though I believe it could definitely be better, and I would love to spend more time on it in future are really work on it.

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