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Chris' Creative Processes

Post Production has been a huge lesson in creatively using space for me this trimester. The use of effects and surround sound has lead me to branch out in my studio work and start mixing a few songs in 5.1 surround. The process has been an amazing challenge for me which is something I've been quite hungry for.

I really enjoyed using the Duality console this trimester and tracking all the elements of the song with the rack gear was quite a good experience having somewhat shied away from that in previous trimesters. I found using the outboard gear in a purposeful and creative way helped shape some of the sound, but also lead to a few problems in mixing vocals and keys as some processors were driven a bit hard and introduced slight distortion in parts. I found that 100% attention needs to be given before, during and after the red light is on. mistakes are made with lack of focus and problems are left to be found sometimes too late. Eliminating all distraction at the earliest point is definitely a practice I'll take on in the future both for creative and technical purposes. Creative because it's hard enough to get there let alone get back, and technical because if it's enough of a distraction and a big enough task you can find yourself starting from square one.

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