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T's Production Blog #1

Target Audience?

Ahhhh the difficult questions, it’s so easy to get so caught up creating a project that you forget about what happens when it’s finally finished, and who is actually going to get something out of it’s existence (No one create something for no one too experience).

Well first of all you, you reading this, congratulations you are our target audience! Okay I’ll be more specific.

For this I have chosen to focus on the production company as a whole, rather then on each individual project we create as these are just examples of our capabilities and not the overall goal of this project.

We are our own production company our main target audience are those who would be potential clients: because of this we have chosen to market and present ourselves in such a way as to appeal to this demographic whilst accurately representing our personalities and work ethics.

Our main client base will be musicians (Local or otherwise) we hope to be able to assist and work with clients of all ages and demographics; as we are professionals it is essential to be able to work with all kinds of people. Our goal is to appeal to those who will require our skills and services.

So to narrow that down for you!

  • Musicians

  • Producers

  • Filmmakers

  • Broadcasting Corporations


  • All Ages

  • All Demographics

  • Local

  • Non Locals

Them Juggling Cats in all inclusive and aims to provide high quality services to all without judgments.

Our main forms of distribution will be online through platforms like Facebook and YouTube, these platforms are the easiest to reach audiences. I believe that this is the most suitable way to share our work with the wider audience across the world and locally, these accounts are easily searchable and contain all the relevant information to direct the public to all our other happening. I have had a lot of success in using these platforms for sharing my own personal work and will continue to implement these strategies with this and all future projects.

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