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T’s Teamwork and Collaboration Blog

I think by far this trimester has been my most successful in regards to collaboration and teamwork, overcoming the difficulties of organising collaboration between disciplines was one of the major achievements we made. Finding keen and reliable students who were willing to take part in our project even though it wouldn’t help them towards their own assessments and project was a challenge, along with aliening times to meet between everyones schedules.

Within the first few days of trimester we had already established effective and clear communication channels between the group and were already planning out studio bookings ands projects.

We found that using Facebook messenger was the most convenient way to keep in contact as well as just simply being in the same places almost every day each week, has meant that we have all been on top of any issues and due dates relating to our projects and baselines, making us more productive and efficient overall. We have also utilised a theme song to foster commitment and loyalty to the group, I have included a link to this song for your reference. ( )

We have a working google drive, as well as a google calendar that helps keeps the project organised, as well as following a standard routine weekly (Maintaining the same studio bookings and time weekly) This has meant that we have been far ahead in our planning to organise what needs to be done on each day, again making us more efficient and productive.

On top of this we haven’t needed any kind of mitigation or mediation, because lets face it, we’re a bunch of fucking legends! But in all honesty, I have never been so contented and motivated towards group work as I have been this tri, and god forbid, have actually had fun (For the first time in my two years at SAE) and learnt a lot about production, memes, and life in general…

So yeah, I think that overall TJC has been an astounding success and I would not hesitate to work with these two amazing idiots again in future. :)

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