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Chris' Legal and Copyright Blog

Copyright - The Pie-chart of ownership which determines who owns the rights of claim to revenue or exposure from a piece of media. In one mind I think it's a silly waste of time and in another mind perhaps it's very necessary.

Due to the structure of our society and it's foundation of money = survival, copyright plays a strong role to keep what's "ours" our own and stop theft of our intellectual property. The fact that this intellectual property is a subconscious theft of any and all media we've ever encountered is a question I don't believe any law currently covers and therefore creates a huge ambiguity around who owns what and what is free source.

When we create, we draw on the influences of artists we enjoy. We combine their flavours and we say "Look what I made! Aren't I original?!", but are we?? Really??

For example; Axis Of Awesome - 4 Chord song -

They've taken commercial pop songs with the same chord progression and created a comical medley which exemplifies the copycat nature of pop music and yet each artist individually owns the rights to there music and lyrics.

In the case of our current project, I wouldn't be upset if any part was sampled and used elsewhere, copied or displayed. Credit where credit is due with sound creation and things like that, but I don't see this song making huge amounts of money and therefore no great need to get heavily concerned with copyright.

SAE Qantm Institute has the right to use the media for promotional and educational purposes, but has no right to the intellectual property.

Australian Copyright Council. (2014). Assigning licensing rights. Retrieved from

Australian Copyright Council. (2014). Music & Copyright. Retrieved from

Copyright. (n.d.). Retrieved from

COPYRIGHT FAQS. (2018). Retrieved from

Legal information for musicians. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Music Copyright and Publishing for Bands and Recording Artists. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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