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Jules' Reflection on Teamwork and the Cosmos

Teamwork Reflection

When people share a common idea, or vision, and start working on a project together, there are a lot of things to take in count in the equation. Teamwork can be a really easy process, but it also can be a huge amount of uncommunicated issues.

The TJC production team is actually made of one mind, communication does not even need to exist, as our telepathic skills are probably the most advanced in this dimension. We share one heart, one brain, one digestive system from which our ideas flow without interruption. There can not be problems or issues, nothing can affect the quality and efficiency of our work, the arrow of our productivity is unstoppable.

Reflecting on other teams I’ve been working with, where time management can be an issue, divergence of opinion or taste, I believe that communication is the key to an efficient teamwork. But then, when the word “teamwork” is not even applicable anymore, when a “team” is just one giant being, a massive energy ball floating through the cosmos, part of everything that exists or not, who am I to describe this wonderful alchemy I am merely trying to express with bare words?


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