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T’s reflection on creative processes and ones still to be implemented

So far in the production we have been following a very intuitive creative process and being really experimental with sounds, especially with the sound design for post production.

Time stretching using varispeed has been a major part of this process, really just experimenting with what can be done just by stretching the audio, as well a pitch shifting.

Studio up until this point has been largely headed by Chris and so just really taking a step back and following his lead about the direction and creative style. But now will become a lot more individual to myself as we reach the mixing phase.

For mixing I have been experimenting more with batch processing as well as really learning and playing around with effects more then I ever have before. I really enjoyed the chance to mix the reggae track for our mastering assessment as it gave me the chance to play around with that genre, though it is not my favourite I have a real passion for mixing that style because of all the creative freedom involved with it. And I am really inspired by the sounds on all of kingfisha’s tracks so to do what I can to emulate this was a really fun experience.

For my final mix of our studio project I will be experimenting with mixing in Ableton over Protools, I’m really interesting in expanding my skills and abilities with the program and the freedom for effecting the track creatively which is the skill set I really have been wanting to advance on this tri.

This will pose a lot of new challenges for me as I have become super comfortable with the Protools workflow and with my set of plug ins, so it will be really jumping into the deep end for me. And will take a bit of re-familiarisation for me to be really confident with the program again.

I look forward to seeing the results of this experimentation either way.

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