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Jules On Copyright and Universal Understanding

Most of the time, people think “I created this, it is mine, I should earn money from it.” Without considering the process or other individuals included in the project. It is partly true, when it comes to music. The musicians are the composers and the performers, what they are delivering to the public is their creation.


What is the point of recording songs in a high quality and high standards environment? Why would I do that and have some of my earnings shared with people who just setup a certain number of microphones and pull some faders up and down?




So many things to take in count when reflecting on the producer’s part of the deal, making it completely relevant on the royalties and legal aspect of things.

And now, you might be wondering where I am going with all of that, what is the point of me describing what should be common sense for both producers and musicians? You might also have realized by now that my co-workers and teammates already have a much more precise and detailed blog about this subject, mostly going in depth in the issues we could and should encountered at one point. What is the point for me, then, to do the exact same thing? Isn’t it more interesting to grasp on an idea and slowly dismantle it, and rebuild knowledge or concepts that you might or might not have already from the foundations?

Therefore, this is my question.

Is anything really ours? Is there anything we actually properly and individually create? Is the process of creation already corrupted by the idea of entropy and imminent destruction? Are we creating this notion of “individuality” in the art field, just to make ourselves feel like there is a point to all of this? That nothing is in vain? That we are unique?

One should take his time while brewing his tea.

Australian Copyright Council. (2014). Assigning licensing rights. Retrieved from

Australian Copyright Council. (2014). Music & Copyright. Retrieved from

Copyright. (n.d.). Retrieved from

COPYRIGHT FAQS. (2018). Retrieved from

Legal information for musicians. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Music Copyright and Publishing for Bands and Recording Artists. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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